Software Freedom Conservancy

Software Freedom Conservancy |

Software Freedom Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) public charity that acts as a non-profit home for Free, Libre, and Open Source Software projects.

Last day of the our fundraiser and only $23,000 left to go! We're so thankful for all the support we've received so far and hope to make the last jump today. Become a sustainer today to help us reach our goal!

oh my gosh, last day for the @conservancy fundraiser, and we still have $23,213 to raise! Help us spread the word! I'm going to be here all day, answering questions and trying to fundraise "NPR" style! Let's talk software freedom, SFC, @outreachy, copyleft and anything else you want to ask!

And here's that link:

Help!! I think we can do it!

@conservancy Fundraiser is going for one more day!

Please help them get past their goal.

Their small team does so much for Software Freedom. They help ship user respecting hardware like the OpenWrt One. Enforce copyleft compliance when necessary. Run @outreachy Organize the conference. And are the fiscal sponsor of lots of Free Software projects (too many to list in just 500 chars).

Today is the **last day to donate** to the @conservancy fundraiser

Your donations sustain our work on @outreachy With your support, we can build the next generation of and leaders.

In a time when DEI programs are being shut down, it is essential we do not allow diversity and inclusion in open source to back slide.

Please donate today.

Four African Outreachy interns pose behind an Outreachy photo frame. This is from the 2024 1,000 Outreachy intern celebration. Sage stands next to their 2014 Linux Kernel intern at FOSDEM 2024. Xenia's kiddo is standing next to them. It was his first time at a free software event.

Only $31,000 left to go in our fundraiser! Help us continue the good work we do in making software freedom accessible to all. We've got some many exciting things in the pipeline for this coming year, and we want you to be a part of it!

SFC filed an amicus brief in the Neo4j suit. The brief provides detailed legal analysis as to why the AGPL holds and is relevant for this case. You can read more as well as the briefing that was filed here:

There are 2 more days in our fundraiser and we've got just under $33,000 left to go on our match goal!

By supporting us you directly help our programs like the amazing work our copyleft compliance team does, like recently funding a winning lawsuit protecting AGPL rights within Germany!

Support Diversity in Tech: Help Us Sustain Our Internship Program!

The @conservancy Fundraiser is still ongoing, and we need YOUR help to reach our goal!

Your donation ensures:
- Life-changing internships for underrepresented groups.
- Empowerment of diverse voices in open source.
- A more inclusive and innovative tech ecosystem.

Every contribution matters—big or small. Let’s come together to keep creating opportunities that make a difference!

💻 Donate here:

Boost to help spread the word! Together, we can sustain this impactful program.

Become an SFC Sustainer and help Outreachy continue its work!

@mxmehl You can order from Joom to be delivered to Germany:

And should be about in your budget as well!

Big news: a recent copyleft lawsuit we funded and supported has concluded with a very positive result for user rights! The suit, brought by a device owner in Germany, resolved with the purchaser receiving the right to repair, modify, and reinstall LGPLed software on their devices. Check out the details at

Thanks everyone who came to the first AMA! It was so great to hear from you as supporters of @outreachy and even current participants!

We'll be having the next one in about 10.5 hours at 02:00 UTC. Hope to see you then!

Come join us this morning for a video Q&A with the @outreachy team, we'll be talking about the future of software freedom.

You can join our BigBlueButton here:

Won't you help us grow software freedom? Please donate to @conservancy to sustain the future of and !

If you donate, you'll have a chance to receive a hand-made embroidery of Conservancy's logo. I'm currently working on the tree's roots.

A work in progress embroidery in a wooden circle hoop. The tree's trunk is formed from beeswax covered thread. The thread trunk is separated into strands of branches at the top and roots at the bottom. Orange yellow yarn threads snake across the width of the branches, holding them in place. A tapastry needle is looping some woolen brown thread down the anchor bars on a root. Another root is finished, with a chunky knitted knobby surface. The wool is incredibly soft.

Be sure to join our @outreachy Q&A tomorrow! We want to hear from you abot what you think the future of software freedom is, and how we can all build it together!

14:00 UTC at

The SFC ( @conservancy ) Is one of those organizations quietly making a huge difference. In fact, it's only like 9 people making that whole org move- supporting open software, open standards, and copyleft protections.
They're running a matching campaign for 9 more days and are trying to hit 200k (400k matched!) but are short $35,000. so I just wanted to write a toot bumping that goal and their great work:

@sphakos wrote their incredible story of healing and appeal to why software freedom is more critical than ever for the SFC fundraiser this year.

Join them and others from Outreachy and SFC for Q&A video chat's this Wednesday January 8th. We want to hear from YOU about what makes Outreachy such an important piece of the future of software freedom.

You can find the details and read the whole post here:

We're almost in the last week of our largest fundraiser yet, now is a great time to support SFC we we can continue supporting incredible projects like the OpenWrt One and other critical software freedom initiatives!

Our manufacturing and fulfillment partners have been working hard to increase availability in this run, so you can also buy the OpenWrt One at if you prefer.

Read about the OpenWrt One and how it came to be, at our blog post:

The OpenWrt One sold out the first production run within a week! It was so exciting to see how much interest there is in a free software router! We got to work right away on a second run, which is now shipping:
