Software Freedom Conservancy

Software Freedom Conservancy |

Software Freedom Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) public charity that acts as a non-profit home for Free, Libre, and Open Source Software projects.

Our friends @conservancy 🌳 are in the last stretch of their annual fundraiser!

They've been a great partner, both in helping us grow the project sustainability and being our legal home until we created @godotfoundation

You can support their work here:

5 days left to get your donation doubled! If you become a Sustainer you can help us meet our match goal with just $22,000 left and get a super cool tshirt designed by @niktrip

You've got a little more than a week to get your donation doubled during our fundraiser. Help us close the last gap $30,000 gap so we can meet our goal!

Become a Sustainer to support our critical copyleft compliance and enforcement efforts:

the Software Freedom Conservancy (@conservancy) has 10 days left to reach a matching goal. they do great work! they established a legal right to request source code on copylefted code. They give paid internships to folks that need them most. They educate students & support free software developers. Consider pitching in:

(via @karen)

Big news on the Vizio case - the court rejected Vizio's arguments in their summary judgment motion. The decision cuts to the core of the case, with clear and conclusive language. Now on to *our* motion for summary adjudication...

Good news in the Vizio case! Last Friday Judge Sandy Leal rejected Vizio's Motion for Summary Judgment, allowing our full arguments to be presented and heard. Judge Leal's decision is clear: “Allowing third parties such as SFC to enforce their rights to receive source code is not only consistent with the GPLs’ objectives; it is both essential and necessary to achieve these objectives. Recipients of GPL-licensed software will be assured of their right to receive source code only if they have standing to enforce that right.”

You can read more about the decision and our own Motion for Summary Adjudication here:

Hope everyone has a wonderful last day of 2023. Here's to much more #softwarefreedom in 2024!

Our last (and year end!) chat with SFC leadership is at the top of the hour: `date -d 'Dec 29 21:00 UTC`
Join us to ask questions and learn what SFC is up to on BigBlueButton:

Can't wait to see you there!

I'm making my end of year donations today! Please please please include @conservancy in yours this year. I feel so lucky to work on this important cause with such an incredible team and your donation will make a world of difference as to whether we can keep doing it.

Thank you so much for helping us cross the 50% threshold of our fundraiser! As the year ends, it's a great time to make a donation to double your contribution and make sure you squeeze in (US) tax deductible donations:

SFC leadership is hosting another Q&A at 00:00 UTC (in a little over 5 hours). Come learn directly from our Executive Director @karen and Policy Fellow, Hacker-in-Residence, and Treasurer Bradley M. Kuhn about what @conservancy has been up to and how you can get involved!

We're getting close to halfway on our fundraiser! Please help us meet out match goal, every dollar counts double until January 15th! Now is the time to give the gift 🎁 of Software Freedom For All by powering our mission for the next year.

Join the Q&A coming up in an hour and 10 minutes, where you can talk to some of SFC's leadership and ask them whatever you want about our work!

Join the Q&A coming up in an hour and 10 minutes, where you can talk to some of SFC's leadership and ask them whatever you want about our work!

Join the Q&A coming up in an hour and 10 minutes, where you can talk to soem of SFC's leadership and ask them whatever you want about our work!

Is Tesla open source? Roadster certainly isn't...
Read more about our Director of Compliance's thoughts on how the Tesla efforts don't meet compliance standards and how that's harming consumers and endangering people. GPL compliance is not just a theoretical issue!

Come read our Executive Director @karen literally heartfelt blog post about her personal quest for software freedom on our blog:

Our Policy Fellow Bradley M. Kuhn was quoted extensively in a report by the FTC "Generative Artificial Intelligence and the Creative Economy Staff Report: Perspectives and Takeaways":

You can read more about the report and ongoing work of the FTC here:

We've almost crossed $50k in our fundraiser! Help us meet our match by donating:

We're hard at work ensuring your software freedom and digital rights. Just in the past week and a half, we've had major accomplishments:
* We joined an amicus curiae brief in Green v. Department of Justice along with other organizations.
* We started the December Outreachy round! 59 interns in eleven different countries will start work this week in 21 different FOSS communities. We can’t wait to see all that the interns learn and accomplish.
* Since we first filed comments in the U.S. Copyright Office’s so-called “Artificial Intelligence Study”, we've responded to Microsoft's comments to make sure we stay engaged and represent community over corporate interests.
* In our lawsuit against Vizio, we've filed a we submitted our “Motion for Summary Adjudication”, seeking a pre-trial ruling on two key arguments in the case. First, the motion seeks to establish that distributors of GPL’d and LGPL’d software (such as Vizio) have a legal duty to the recipients of the software to provide the complete, corresponding source code (CCS) upon request. Second, we counter Vizio’s claims that the contractual rights under the GPL Agreements are preempted by copyright law. in our view, third parties (i.e., consumers and users of the devices) do have a right to CCS — even if they are not a copyright holder. A blog post about this is soon to follow!

Continuing our engagement with the Copyright office on AI issues, we've responded to some comments that Big Tech have made. @conservancy continues to show up to defend your rights regarding copyleft licenses.

You can read our rebuttal here:
