Software Freedom Conservancy

Software Freedom Conservancy |

Software Freedom Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) public charity that acts as a non-profit home for Free, Libre, and Open Source Software projects.

Our Policy Fellow, Bradley M. Kuhn, is always active in the FOSS community! Check out this thread where he's engaging with license review work to deep dive on“choice of law” clauses in FOSS licenses:

Our longtime sustainer Jondale Stratton was recently interviewed about why he supports @conservancy
You can read the interview here:

It's possible to have your donation to @conservancy doubled to help fight for user freedom. Support the work of an ethical technology non-profit:

It's great to see @conservancy launching an equivalent North America event for the excellent networking and learning that happens each year at .

Extra happy to see the organizers will still be taking the ongoing pandemic seriously and doing what they can to keep attendees safe.

I'm in. Are you?


I am unbelievably happy that there's going to be another Quite Large open source conference in Portland from next year onwards.

I'm even happier that it's community-run, non-profit, and being led by @conservancy. See you at FOSSY!

@brainwane @fenndev Thanks so much for reposting your video and blog. It's all thanks to supporters like you that we are able to continue our work :)

@fenndev @conservancy is excellent. I made a fundraiser post and video a few years ago that explains what they do & why it's important:

And Freedom of the Press Foundation does important work as well, helping whistleblowers safely communicate with journalists, tracking press freedom issues, and more

If you are interested in sponsoring the conference, we have a variety of sponsorship tiers and special levels for providing food, coffee, scholarships and a completely open WiFi stack to attendees. Please get in contact with us at if you are interested

Inspired by @fosdem, we will have multiple tracks including licensing and legal, community development, and FOSS development. As we ramp up into track applications, we will send out another call for volunteers interested in leading or moderating sessions.

This conference will focus on community building and providing a safe environment for meeting in person. We are dedicated to making sure we take the health and safety of our attendees seriously. (We'll be publishing a detailed policy)

Mark your calendars, July 13th-16th SFC will be hosting the first annual FOSSY Conference in Portland, OR! A conference dedicated to the communities of people who use, make and love software freedom.

Denver Gingerich has been appointed SFC's first Director of Compliance!
He will continue leading our mission to ensure all users have the rights granted by copyleft.

@chrisjrn So long as you have an active sustainership (or better yet, renew while we are matching donations!) you can get the new shirt.
And please email if you want to check your address or sizing on record.

We are almost to $15k just over a week into our fundraiser! You've got 45 days left to get your donation matched!

If you become a sustainer at the $120/yr level, you'll get the limited edition 2022 tshirt

Our first donor matcher interview for the fundraising season is up!
We talked with Justin W. Flory about why he donates to @conservancy and how he got into FOSS.

@pono reflects on his work in FOSS and how #GivingTuesday provides an opportunity to reconnect people to our mission:

Our expertise in license compliance, source code review and the legal intricacies of FOSS are just one facet of what you support when you donate to our organization. Until January 15th, all donations will be matched up to $104,759, so be sure to donate and support software freedom:

This amicable settlement showed that our The Principles of Community-Oriented GPL Enforcement are useful for all parties in resolving licensing issues. Thanks to the team at @stockfishchess for all their hard work and we wish them the best of luck with their newly appointed Free Software Compliance Officer.

@conservancy was named as a trusted party for source code review in the recent settlement case of Stockfish

Friends! It's time to become a Sustainer (or renew!) with @conservancy. I really hate fundraising, but I *am* super proud of the groundbreaking work we do - check out a summary in the Year in Review section on

Chances are if you follow me you care about . SFC is a small org pursuing all of the ways we think we can improve the state of our technology and it's not rhetoric when we say we can't do the work without you...
